Waiting for your car to be fixed is so 2019. AutoApp is here and is set to change car care forever.
Let AutoApp arrange this service for you. Click here to make an online booking, or download the app below.
By now, you may have read about AutoApp in The Straits Times or The Business Times. Or maybe even heard it on the radio.
After months of teasing with articles and sneak peeks, the app by Singaporean tech start-up Ignition Labs is finally available to download. In a nutshell, AutoApp is the most convenient car care solution ever.

As a one-stop app, AutoApp seeks to improve your car ownership experience forever in three simple ways:
No more waiting
Gone are the days when you had to take leave or time off just to drive your car to the workshop for servicing or repairs. Or worse yet, spend a precious Saturday morning at a workshop waiting room, sitting on a dirty old sofa, sometimes patched up with duct tape, surrounded by outdated magazines and newspapers. Yuck!
These days, the threat of COVID-19 adds another unappealing layer to hanging out at a workshop for any given amount of time. Even the best sanitisers and face masks in the world are no match for the comfort and safety of your home.

With AutoApp, you simply book a service through the app and a Service Ambassador shows up at the arranged time to whisk your car away to the service centre, get the necessary work done, then returns the car to you.
We’ve even have contactless handover-takeover protocols in place to give our customers added peace of mind.
AutoApp Service Ambassadors are fully-insured, trained and experienced service advisors with clean driving records. They’ve been vetted through a comprehensive recruitment process and wear their uniform with pride. We know how difficult it can be to find a mechanic you can trust. Our Service Ambassadors are there to be that trusted friend.

All the while, you are updated on the status of your car and are in control of the costs and quotations for the work needed. You even pay for the repairs and services through the app.
No more searching
The internet is an infinite source of information, which can often also be a problem. Many car owners, especially first-timers, can be overwhelmed by the sheer multitude of advice and solutions their search engines might throw at them. At times, the answers can even be contradictory and sources, questionable.
We’ve all been confused at some point and wished that a car-expert friend with the right contacts could sort out what needs to be done.
Well, that’s exactly what AutoApp is here for. We work with a network of workshops that specialise in various types of repairs and services. We even have workshops that specialise in Japanese, Korean or Continental cars. Yet, they all have one thing in common. They’re all about the highest standards of service possible. Or else, they won’t be selected to be in our “service ecosystem”.

No more wasted weekends
With AutoApp, the time it takes for works to be done is yours to do what you will; eat, pray, love, or whatever is more important to you than running a car maintenance errand.
Better yet, use AutoApp to service your car on weekdays, while you’re at work so that you can enjoy that weekend drive!