Your loved ones deserve it too.
Nothing in life is ever free?
For your friends, our concierge service is.

You’ve experienced it yourself. Now you can share the convenience with your friends too.

Good things are meant to be shared.
It’s time your friends experienced the convenience of AutoApp too.
Receive petrol or grocery vouchers for every friend who redeems the complimentary concierge service using your personalised code.
SHARESMA1234B (SMA1234B = Your vehicle number)
Terms & Conditions apply.
1. Complimentary Collection & Delivery is not applicable to on-site and valet-only services.
2. Vouchers are awarded when each personalised promo code is redeemed.
3. Each personalised promo code is valid for up to 3 redemptions. Redemptions are processed at a first-come-first-serve basis.
4. All prices indicated are subject to GST.
5. All vouchers and promotions are not exchangeable for cash.
6. AutoApp SG and Ignition Labs Pte Ltd reserve the right to alter any promotion and voucher without prior notice.
Experience the convenience, all within your phone.
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